Honoring Our IB Learner Profile Award Recipients

In a longstanding tradition, each quarter PGIA teachers and students select 1 or 2 students to receive a Learner Profile Award. Students can only receive the award one time during their tenure in the PGIA, and recipients receive a special cord at graduation. These students model the best of what the IB Learner Profile is all about: Independence, Communication, Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, and Open-Mindedness.

Congratulations to Semester 1 winners: DIVINA KAMRA, Grade 11 and YASHAMAY DAVID Grade 12!

“Divina is a joy to have in class. She’s really ideal: enthusiastic, committed, and eager to improve. She has spoken to me many times this year about her scores and what she needs to do to improve. If she gets a “5” on anything, I know that I am in BIG trouble! She is always ready to support others and is truly kind. ~ Mr. Capozzi

“Divina is that smiling face that all teachers look for when we are in front of a class. It is absolutely an honor to be your teacher. I know that life awaits you with precious surprises. Divina, gracias for being my student. I will always treasure you in my heart.” ~Ms. Sellars

"It would be hard to narrow down which IB learner profile traits Divina most embodies, because she is an exemplar of nearly each one.  That being said, Divina is a tremendously caring learner and person. She truly personifies what it means to be empathetic, compassionate, and respectful. She is that to everyone around her: students, teachers, faculty. She is that consistently day in and day out. Her consistent kindness speaks volumes about her qualities of character and being. She is truly a wonderful student and member of the VIMSIA community.” ~ Mr. Ott

Yashamay is a wonder. I think she is the ideal combination of mature, studious, and fun-loving. She is energetic, engaged, and optimistic. She will also challenge me from time to time; she is a student that makes teachers want to be better. She is such a disciplined writer - she rarely ever overwrites, which is extremely rare for someone her age. Her ideas are insightful without being unnecessarily wordy. Simply put: she is the type of student who develops interesting ideas before you have the chance to assign them to her. She makes my job easy!” ~Mr. Capozzi

“Many times, students are not aware of how important it is to have an “audience” like Yashamay. She is a student full of amazing qualities. Her freshness, ideas and positivity make our work as teachers so much easier. Yashamay, it is a fact that you will be a very successful person and your life will inspire others. Gracias for being the way you are!!” ~Ms. Sellars

“Yashamay is truly a wonderful student and human being. Her intellectual curiosity knows few bounds, nor her ability to converse and communicate her thoughts and ideas on a variety of topics. As her global politics teacher, I am consistently impressed by the thoughtfulness with which she approaches topics we cover in-class and her ability to formulate unique, creative insights and perspectives on a variety of issues. She is not only a brilliant young thinker, she is absolutely kind and caring, but with a good balance of wit to keep us all on our toes in a positive way.” ~Mr. Ott