Greek Mythology


The Upper Elementary class put on a dynamic presentation on Greek Mythology featuring gods and goddesses today for the Lower Elementary Students! Under the direction of Virgin Islands Montessori School & Peter Gruber International Academy Upper Elementary Teacher, Kate Ludick, students prepared facts to present, dressed up in costume displaying key signature pieces and performed a group dance with audience participation! The event concluded with questions and answers from both parents and students!

End of Year Field Trip!


For the end of the year community/science-based trip, Virgin Islands Montessori School & Peter Gruber International Academy (VIMSIA) Upper Elementary teacher, Ms. Ludick, organized a fun-filled day trip to St. John. The Upper Elementary students investigated ocean life in the classroom and then were graciously able to climb aboard Stormy Pirate Boat Charters and head to St. John. "We saw two dolphins on the way at Peter Bay, swam and snorkeled with the turtles and stingrays in Maho Bay, learned some back flips, front flips, dives, and cannonballs off the boats, and ate at Pizza Pi" exclaimed Ludick. The group arrived back at school tired and happy with lots of inspiration to incorporate into individual research later on and lots of friendships celebrated. Students challenged themselves to learn new things out on the water and truly supported each other. VIMSIA would like to thank Stormy Pirates Boat Charters, Pizza Pi (both VIMSIA parent owned! We highly recommend them both!) and chaperones, Ms. Zucker, Ms. Gibbs, Ms. Butler, Coach-Nurse, Joe Slimming, and Ms. Landry.


Knowledge Has a Beginning But No End


Congratulations to Peter Gruber International Academy instructor Alex Silva and Montessori instructor Kate Ludick for proactively working on furthering their education. Both talented instructors applied for and received full scholarships to an amazing teacher training program at the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research! 

The San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation has built a nationally recognized and fully accredited program with a stellar reputation for giving teachers access to unparalleled information and experiences. To date, they have trained more than 1000 middle and high school science teachers and informal science educators from all 50 states and nine other countries. Participants spend their days in intensive study in the Conservation Education Lab and their evenings at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, engaging with staff members and acquiring invaluable new skills to take back to their home campuses. During the workshop, teachers work together to frame content standards in the context of wildlife conservation and explore ways to challenge students to apply textbook knowledge of life science to current biodiversity challenges. Participants engage in activities that focus on critical issues facing endangered species using a variety of advanced technical tools and techniques; all activities support the Next Generation Science Standards and can be implemented back in the classroom.

Congratulations Alex and Kate!

Upper Elementary Egyptian Museum

On Friday, March 2 Virgin Islands Montessori School and Peter Gruber International Academy (VIMSIA) students, faculty and parents were invited to tour the Upper Elementary Egyptian Museum! Brought to life by students of Ms. Kate Ludick, Upper Elementary Directress, the museum featured the Nile, pyramids, a market, an art and architecture display and of course various signature people such as pharaoh, Cleopatra and King Tutankhuman. 

The Egyptian Museum was the culminating event in a Montessori three period lesson. “After various small group lessons children determine what their interests are and begin doing research” says Ludick. The third and final part is the assessment or a test –in this case the Egyptian Museum- to prove the child’s full understanding on the topic and ensure they have a firm grasp. Students were required to put together the museum and build up one section based on their likes and interest including various skills such as mathematics, writing and reading. Once students have integrated their skills with their interest, they prepare a presentation for their peer groups, parents and other adults.