Student Submission: School Finger-Knitting Record Broken

On December 9, 2019 Jack Brooks and Kadmiel Warrell broke the school record of the longest finger knitting chain measuring 155 ft. and 73in. If you do not know what “finger-knitting” is, it is a form of knitting that you do with your hands and yarn. You take your yarn and you put it in between your thumb, then you wrap it 3 times around your pointer and index finger like a figure eight. Then you pull the bottom one up and over again. Next you pull the one that you put it in between your pointer and your thumb finger. Then keep doing that over and over again. Blake Pickett and Harper Strickland helped us measure it. It took about 3 months to complete.

Written by: Jack Brooks                    

Left to Right: Jack, Kadmiel, Harper,  and Blake.

Left to Right: Jack, Kadmiel, Harper, and Blake.

The Three Legged Stool


Written By: Melissa Bump

As Mr. Bornn loves to remind us, student success is like a three-legged stool. The three legs are the student, the teachers, and the parents. When these three are working well together, the student will reach their maximum potential! 

The "teacher" leg can mean the school as a whole. Everyone working at VIMSIA - the administration, the teachers, the office staff, the maintenance and custodial staff - are dedicated to creating an environment that will be welcoming, safe, and academically rigorous for each student. 

The "parent" leg can refer to the family as a whole. Everyone in a student's family has an impact on that person's growth. If the family is supportive of the goals set by the school, and lovingly reminds the student of the family's expectations in regards to behavior, classwork, and homework, it will have a dramatic impact on that student's success in school. 

The "student" leg needs the other two legs to be standing strong in order to be successful! Imagine a stool with only one leg - very wobbly. For his part, the VIMSIA student is urged to be attentive in class, kind to his peers, and diligently completing every assignment honestly and to the best of his ability. Of course, this is sometimes a daunting task, and that's when the student needs their support system the most. 

Last week, there was a welcome back night for the PGIA - it was wonderful to see so many parents in attendance, excited to learn about any new changes for the school year. This week, there are numerous back-to-school nights taking place. This is an opportunity for the family and school legs to join together in support of all of our students!